
Absent-mindednessStrange — I don’t remember being absent minded. *
AcrophobiaI get low whenever I think of acrophobia.
AcrophobiaI have a well-grounded fear of acrophobia.
AgnosticismI wonder if God can know about agnostics.
AgoraphobiaI fear I have an open mind about agoraphobia. *
AmbivalenceI can’t make up my mind about ambivalence.
AmnesiaAmnesia? I’ve never heard of it.
Anal-retentivenessI don’t have to ask — I know there’s a hyphen in ‘anal-retentive’.
AnxietyI worry a lot about anxiety.
ApathyI can’t get excited about apathy.
ApologeticI’m sorry I’m apologetic.
AtheismAtheism is a non-prophet organization. *
AtheismI wonder if God believes in atheists.
BigotryRound up all the bigots, and put them in death camps!
BigotryWe should round up the bigots, and send them back where they came from.
CatatoniaI can sit still for catatonia.
ClaustrophobiaClaustrophobia makes me want to come out of the closet.
CompulsionsI just have to think about compulsions.
Delirium TremensI’ll drink to the delirium tremens.
DenialThere’s nothing wrong — I’m not in denial.
DepressionI get so sad when I think about depression.
FaithI don’t believe I can take that on faith.
FantasyThere’s something unreal about fantasy.
Grandiose DelusionsGrandiose delusions are the greatest.
Guilt-ComplexI screwed up, and now I have a guilt complex.
HallucinationsI keep hearing these voices telling me about hallucinations.
HypochondriaI’m sick of hypochondria.
Hypothetical SituationsWhat if there were no hypothetical situations? *
IgnoranceI don’t know about ignorance.
IlliteracyIlliteracy? I’ve never read about it.
InfantilityI am not infantile, you stinky-butt poop-head. *
InfatuationI think I’m in love with infatuation. *
InsanityI’m crazy about insanity.
InsomniaI lose a lot of sleep thinking about insomnia.
IntroversionI try to keep my introversion to myself.
Irony, generalAccording to the Center for Incomplete Research, 3 out of 10- *
ManiaMania is very exciting.
Manic-DepressionManic-depression has its ups and downs.
MegalomaniaI want to become biggest ever in megalomania.
MesmerizationMesmerization is incredibly fascinating.
ModerationI believe in moderation, so long as you don’t overdo it.
ModestyI’m damned proud of how modest I am. *
MonomaniaMonomania is all I think about.
Multiple personalityI’m of several minds about multiple personalities.
NegativistismYou’re wrong! I am not negativistic!
NostalgiaNostalgia isn’t what it used to be. *
ObsessionI can’t stop thinking about obsession. *
ParanoiaEveryone’s trying to drive me paranoid.
PerseverationI just can’t get perseveration out of my mind.
PessimismI think the worst of pessimism.
Pet PeevesI can’t stand pet peeves. *
PogromLet’s massacre anyone who participates in a pogrom!
PyromaniaPyromania burns me up.
RationalizationWhy bother writing about rationalization? Nobody’ll get it, anyway.
RegressionWaah! I’m gonna tell my mommy you said I’m suffering from regression!
RepressionI don’t think about repression.
Rhetorical QuestionsWhat good are rhetorical questions?
SchizophreniaThe voices tell me I’m not schizophrenic.
Suicidal ImpulsesWhen I get suicidal impulses, I could just kill myself.
Superiority ComplexMy superiority complex is deeper-seated than yours.
XenophobiaIf not for the damned foreigners, I wouldn’t be xenophobic.
XenophobiaI’m not xenophobic, I just don’t like the damned foreigners.

*contributed by friends — don’t blame me for these

Page last modified on May 11, 2011, at 05:22 PM

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