Mag Var Calculations

An East Mag Var means that the Magnetic North is East of True North.

A West Mag Var means that the Magnetic North is West of True North.

If East is positive:

To convert from a Magnetic reference to a True reference, add the Mag Var to the Magnetic Referenced value.

To convert from a True reference to a Magnetic reference, subtract the Mag Var from the True Referenced value.

Graphically, using a Mag Var of West 10 degrees.

Mag Heading = 100 degrees

True Heading = 90 degrees


Using above: Mag Var = West 10 (−10)

                        Mag heading = 100

                        True heading = 90

To convert from Mag to True:

            100 + (−10) = 90

To convert from True to Mag

            90 - (−10) = 100

Courtesy of (and created by) Mike Olsen

Page last modified on May 11, 2011, at 11:06 PM

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