Cold Vs Flu Symptoms

Cold vs Flu symptoms from
FeverRareCharacteristic, high (102–104°F); lasts 3–4 days
General Aches, PainsSlightUsual; often severe
Fatigue, WeaknessQuite mildCan last up to 2–3 weeks
Extreme ExhaustionNeverEarly and prominent
Stuffy NoseCommonSometimes
Sore ThroatCommonSometimes
Chest Discomfort, CoughMild to moderate;Common; can become severe hacking cough
ComplicationsSinus congestion or earacheBronchitis, pneumonia; can be life-threatening
PreventionNoneAnnual vaccination; antiviral medicines—see your doctor
TreatmentOnly temporary relief of symptomsAntiviral medicines—see your doctor

Page last modified on June 04, 2011, at 07:09 PM

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